I am signed up to the Panasonic Insider, an initiative of Panasonic to get views, opinions, ideas etc from people outside the Panasonic inner circle.
Recently I was lucky enough to score Insider of the Month, which scored me $500 of Panasonic products.
I now have the enviable task of deciding what products to spend my booty on.
It's actually harder than you would think. Should I buy a few lower priced items...or 1 major product for the whole lot? Should I go domestic with a bread maker, iron, toothbrush etc, or should I go gadgety with a nice new tough camera such as a Lumix FT3?
As a lover of all things electronic, I pretty much have everything I need already but both my digital camera and my video camera are starting to show their age so common sense probably points to getting a new version of one of those.
That still leaves me with a tough decision on which I go for. It's a dirty job but someone has to do it.
Decisions, decisions ;)