Thursday, October 10, 2013

Ten Play - Ten Don't Play?

Channel Ten have recently launched their new catch-up web page - Ten Play.

Trouble is the title seems misleading. I tried watching something on the browser through the PS3. The whole system crashed. OK, maybe a Playstation fault...the browser never was PS3's strong point.

This morning I'm trying to watch something on the site on my laptop. Waiting....waiting....nada.

Hard to see how ABC can get it so right with IView and to a lesser extent, SBS with their catch-up site but the big boys in Australian TV lag behind.

Seven's site is OK at best, with fairly ordinary quality of the streaming, Channel Nine's is mediocre and I'm yet to get anything on Ten.

Oh well, back to Aunty I suppose.

UPDATE: the teething problems seem to be over for TenPlay. There's only two things wrong with it in my opinion..,.too many ads and not enough shows I actually care that I missed. I did LOVE Puberty Blues though and am quite sad that it has finished. Quality acting and writing on Australian TV is hard to find.